Rediscover this day - Coffee Table

Making Of / 10 April 2019

So, today Google Photos reminded me on the one important day in my artistic part of life. On this day, four years ago, I started my work on Coffee table and I tried vintage lens on dslr for the first time. At the time, I never tried anything similar, so the main goal was to learn how to do realistic glass shading. 

In the end I was really pleased with the result and work I did. But, I probably wouldn't achieve this level of quality without using reference photos. So here are some photos that I took before I started working on this. 

This was the first photo I took, it gave me idea for the composition, lighting and general mood. After that I started taking more photos of different objects that were on the table.

Here is my old camera and the lens I got from my wife Ivana for birthday that year. Had to wait 2-3 weeks for lens adapter to arrive from China. Couldn't find it locally. 
In the end it was a great project. I really like to remember the entire process and how I experimented with different approaches.