Lookdev kit - Update 02

General / 21 February 2019

Here is another update to the Lookdev kit. It is a small one, but it fixes the problem with converting environment map to .tx. Also there is a new HDR in the HDR slot 01 and a Focus plane to control focus and depth of field. Here are more details about this update:



19.02.2019. Update 02:

- Added Focus Plane to control Arnold Depth of Field Focus Distance (aiFocusDistance)

- Depth of Field control attributes on the Focus plane

- added new HDR on HDR slot 01

- fixed problem with converting environment map to .tx. Thanks to Arnold Dev team! This was a major problem in previous version.

Focus plane for camera focus control

New HDR from hdrihaven.com


Please let me know if you have any issues with this version. 

Also, I am open to suggestions on how to further improve the tool. 

You can find more info about Lookdev kit on the Original blog post or in the readme file inside the downloaded zip.